Move over, milk. Coffee is hot on your trail. And look out, chocolate chip stand-bys. There’s a new girl in town. It’s been a little while since my last post. Excuses include a new semester at school, lack of inspiration, feeling inferior to pro food bloggers, a few kitchen fails, extra time , etc. But my hubby‘s recent…
Triple Chocolate Peppermint Ooey Gooey Bars & Cookies!
Double trouble sounds cliche. Here, The possibilities are endless. Or at least twofold. Option 1: Triple Chocolate Peppermint Ooey Gooey Bars Option 2: Triple Chocolate Peppermint Cookies …or you can double this recipe and make both! This recipe was born out of a desire to make one batch of cookie dough that could yield two…
Double Espresso Samoa Cookies
When I was thinking about posting a cookie recipe, I thought to myself, “But there are so many cookie recipes out there…What is going to make another one worth trying?” Cue a Friday night of stress/boredom baking and a desire to try something different. Enter Double Espresso Samoa Cookies. Listen, I like the classics like…
Snickers Cake
Can’t stop. Won’t stop. (That’s the tagline for this cake.) My Mom has a great chocolate cake recipe. It’s kind of infamous in our household and just known as The Chocolate Cake. But because I can never leave anything alone, I took her cake and transformed it into some insane Snickers-level beast. So we have…
Pumpkin S’more Cake!
September hit, and I let a week go by without it. Then I went grocery shopping and couldn’t find pumpkin. I was distraught. And shocked. September was in session, and pumpkin was nowhere to be found. But this Saturday, that all changed! I found pumpkin on the shelves of my local Aldi and promptly bought…
Cake Batter Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies
Please tell me I’m not the only one: I got so revved up to test a new recipe…only to discover the lack of said key ingredient. #fail. I was a little deflated, but… some googling led me to a few substitute ideas. And missing one egg was not going to mess up my determination…
No-Churn Salted Mocha Ice Cream
How is it July already? My baby sister’s summer vacation began in mid-June, but mine is already halfway over. While grocery shopping the other day, I realized that school supplies had taken over seasonal aisle. I shied away in denial, only to see a friend’s photo of the very aisle on Facebook two days later….